Wunderling : The Minions Chance To Shine
Sometimes it feels like you are just one of many, but that is not true. Even when there are many who seem similar you can stand out on your own, even if you happen to be a level one minion. Wunderling has you taking (some) control of a minion who has been given a second chance and wants to defeat the so-called hero of this game. When I saw it I thought I was going to play a 2D style retro platformer, what I got was a challenging, fun, charming, and engaging puzzle game that had so much going good for a game where you are playing as the bad. This game puts you in control of a simple minion who is now tasked with defeating the hero of the game, after being defeated in level one, our lead is given a second chance to shine. Going from vibrant and colorful levels with plenty of fun cutscenes intertwined that had more surprises then what I was expecting. There are plenty of cutscenes with some very charming humor and even some references intertwined with the narrative, it got som...