Marvel Snap....A Mobile Game I Actually Love?!
Marvel is everywhere, from shows on streaming, to an ever expanding cinematic universe, and plenty of merchandise to match them all. Video games have been no different from some being amazing like Insomniac Studios take on Spider-Man and Miles Morales, to games we would like to forget like Fantastic Four on the PlayStation One. But recently a game tied to this comic book brand has captivated me, and many of my friends in a way I never expected, with cards, fun art, and fantastic gameplay. The game I am talking about is on mobile as well as steam and that is, Marvel Snap. Marvel Snap is a season based competitive card game tied to the comics with winks and nods to other iterations through the art variations on the card. Your goal is to get more points than your opponent in three zones. Each zone has a gimmick tied to it whether it be copying cards elsewhere, not allowing certain abilities, or destroying cards. Whoever locks down the zones and within six turns, sometimes seven, wins...