Waiting In The Wings (Tangled The Animated Series)
Sometimes even the heroes feel small. Sometimes you might find yourself standing along side others who yes are on the same team, but you feel overshadowed. You are waiting for your time to shine, even if you feel that you are left waiting for it to come for what seems your whole life. No one feels this in the Tangled Animated Series more then Cassandra. But for us the audience, who exist outside of the realm of animation and song, this is her big moment. She has had solos and has partaken in group numbers, I have even covered one, but this is her time to shine. I have been in the mood to discuss and look at some of the songs I love from shows like "Tangled The Animated Series" and especially "Steven Universe". Today I look at what is my favorite song from this series, if not in my top three. The powerful solo ballad "Waiting In The Wings". Performed expertly by Cassandra's voice actress Eden Espinosa, her vocals are amazing. We have had pieces of her ...