5 Pokémon Spin Offs I Want

 With the release of New Pokémon Snap this week, which I will be covering soon or at least giving my first impressions in the near future I thought I would make a quick list of some genres and spin offs I think that would love to see, some are sequels and others have not yet be done but are new ideas that I had. So in no particular order here are five Pokémon spin offs I would love to see. 

Conquest: I only recently got this DS gem, and I am having so much fun with it, I would love to see another tactics game in the series

Pinball: This series is amazing and needs to come back, I would love even a downloadable game, I would pay for one immediately. 

Kart Racer: This series had one racing game and then never again, I think it could be refined and be ton of fun, even as a free to play game. 

Rangers: This series had promise, and I think with some slight tweaking to the gameplay this game could be remade or given a new entry and be super fun

Battle Royale: Okay here is my idea, you pick a Pokémon then you are dropped into an arena and you battle, with type advantages and weaknesses included. Just an idea I had but I think would be super fun.

As much as I wanted to mention stadium and coliseum because I love those games dearly, I have a super fun project tied to them that will be coming soon. But I hope you enjoyed my list.  


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