Bonus Post: Mario 3D World and Super Mario Party Online

This does not really fit this months theme but I wanted to share something really interesting, so here is a bonus post. Recently Super Mario Party added online play, and when Super Mario 3D World plus Bowser's Fury released, it was revealed you could play the whole game online with friends. So I tested both and here are my experiences.

Super Mario Party works as well as Mario Kart's online features, as in really well. I played a couple rounds and it ran super well. My friends and I played two rounds of fifteen turns and the mini games and gameplay ran smoothly with no hiccups. It replicated in the same room feeling so well and made me hopeful for Mario Party's future, it was a ton of fun. Ran well and I had a fantastic time. It was a great time and if you have a group of friends to try it with I highly recommend.

But when I played with a pull party of people in Super Mario Party, the whole game crashed. And when that goes down the whole party goes down no matter how far you are in there. There was lag sometimes, some matches were lag free and others not as much, so it was a mixed bag but when it worked it was fun.

I wish I could say the same for 3D World, it ran well at some points but there was a fair bit of lag. At some points it was fun but there was an evident amount of lag. It was playable but it did not run smoothly, it ran and did not crash but did not run the best. There were a few moments that it ran well but I say half the time the loading image was running the corner as my friend and I played accompanied with touches of lag.  The camera only following one player also carries into the online play and definitely led to some lives lost, and in sliding or speed sections was guaranteed as the camera almost couldn't keep up.

So in conclusion I highly recommend Super Mario Party for online play right alongside Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.... when it works. It can add variety to online gatherings but much like those games lag and crashes are prone to happen just like all Nintendo games, so it is definitely their servers. I have even had lag for NES and SNES games so even , it works super well. For 3D world multiplayer can be fun but has a few flaws that hold it back from being great, that was my experience that I wanted to share. 


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