Capcom Arcade Stadium And Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle (Retro Done Right? Vol. 1)

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I love the resurgence of retro game collections that have been releasing lately, from Sega collections, to the SNES and Genesis mini consoles, there are many ways to play old games today on a wide variety of consoles without getting a remaster. And two collections I wanted to look at today are Capcom Arcade Stadium with a brief look at a game collect that share some titles that came before it The Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle. I will look at them today as collections, but I will look more in depth at the games in the future in many different ways, but today I wanted to talk about the packages as a whole.

Capcom Arcade Stadium was released in February of this year  for the Nintendo Switch and Steam for free, but by free I mean one or two games were free the others were behind  a few different pay walls. certain packs with a few games, individual games, or the complete set of them all for forty dollars for the sake of this review I got them all which includes rewind features. The Beat Em Up Bundle came out some time ago with games included, all of them beat em ups both with local and online multiplayer. I have both on Switch so that is the console, though Beat Em Up Bundle is cross platform. Three of the games from Beat Em Up are in Arcade Stadium so that is half of the collection but Beat Em Up is cheaper and goes on sale often as Stadium has gone on sale only a small handful of times as it is more recent. So let's go through both of these collections and see if they work well. Welcome to my new series, Retro Done Right? Where I ask if a port, a remaster, or an updated rerelease is done well, alongside the review. 

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Capcom Arcade Stadium needs to be connected to the internet at all times, sometimes you need to switch regions, you get an option to play all games in English and Japanese, though some games can only run in one language. The game has multiple display options but also does its best to replicate the arcade feel, having you insert a quarter before picking how to play the game. The menu looks like an arcade with all the machines, and the music and style is super fun. There is a rewind and save state feature for each game in this collection, but no online co op, only local co op. 

Beat Em Up Bundle has six games, all beat em ups, and they have the English and Japanese versions as well as online play.

Stadium is fun but needs a few quality of life improvements, the game really did not need to always be online to be played as well. Also you have to customize the language, display, and settings for each gam individually, also the save states are shared between all games, this is only balanced out by the fact that some of these games are so short, and have unlimited continues so you may not save for some of them. Some of them are longer though and may need saving or if you are busy and need to step away. The games in all the collections are solid and fun, super short but fun, especially with the unlimited continues, and Arcade Stadiums rewind feature. 

In terms of price, I say both are especially worth it for fans of retro games but on sale. The Beat Em Up Bundle for sure for the online function and for the lower price, when it comes to Stadium you could either buy game packs on sale or wait for the whole package to go on sale. Even with 32 games, so many of them are so short, and there are some things holding it back. The games are fun but there are a few features like always being online and having no way to set your settings permanently for each game instead of individually.  Both collections are great ways to play these games but on sale, Three games from the Beat Em Up Bundle are in Stadium but that game goes on sale so often and has online co op, it has less games but the better features. Stadium has a really cool look, and tries to have an arcade feel, with a rewind feature and save states, but is missing some features, always has to be online, and the price is way higher. So they do retro right, but at a discount. 

Stadium Score:A bit pricey for all of it and some games are found elsewhere, some cool features a few missing features, always has to be online, good game collection, fun style, fun collection, tons of content, can be bought in increments.

Beat Em Up Bundle :Good price, goes on sale often, fun in person and online, has some solid games.


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