The Wonder Of Digital Sales And Shopping (Digital Month Intro, Summer Of Gaming Part One)

 Whether it is the Nintendo Eshop, the PlayStation Store, or on Steam, in the world of digital games something always seems to be one sale. Sometimes you forgot that game even came out and now it's discounted, or you have been waiting to try it and now your budget lines up with it. Either way digital sales are wonderful, sometimes you and your friends can all pick up a game to play together, or a bunch of games you have wanted a while or so cheap, that it's getting three or four games for the base price of one game. Game stores try to keep up with digital sales by discounting the physical copies of games, even sometimes coinciding with the digital sales, or slightly discounting download cards. 

Epic Games Store sometimes offers coupons when you purchase one game to go to another, or how the Nintendo Eshop has gold points that can be put towards your next purchase. So from today, May 6 to June 6 I am covering digital games only for my Summer Of Gaming Series, I will have a bonus post here or there labeled as such but whether it is free, or paid for, triple A or indie it is time to get to clearing my digital library, reviews, lists, impressions, discussions, and more. With a bonus post and a fun idea here or there, but mostly keeping to this theme for this month. Welcome to my first ever series, lets clear our digital backlogs and get to some of those games we got on sale, while potentially getting a couple more. oops. 


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