Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, A Meme Filled Adventure Starring An Adorable Menace

 (Image Source:Mediaindieexchange.com)

The title alone should suggest that this game is going to be a crazy time, and I can confirm right now, it is in the best way possible. The title along suggests nothing but wacky antics but does it deliver?

This game has you playing as the mostly silent protagonist turnip boy, as he runs errands, rips up documents and traverses the cute fruit and vegetable inhabited world. As you explore you will unlock new skills in this classic Zelda inspired game, that has humorous writing at every turn. There are a few references that I will not spoil that are going to date this game big time but some of the humor is great. There is a good balance between reference and non reference humor, and a ton of memes, I would say that the humor is mostly good but has some jokes that do not land at all. The music is pretty good, and the presentation looks very cute, crisp, and clean for a sprite based game. Overall this game is good in terms of prestation and has great writing aside from some dated content and not always landing the jokes. 

In terms of gameplay, this game plays a lot like classic Zelda games, you explore and begin with a limited move set and inventory but it expands as you explore the areas of the game. Combat is good for field enemies and the puzzles are simple, but fin and engaging. The puzzles make sure to use past and current elements combined thus not growing stale. The environments are all distinct and fun to traverse with their own sets of enemies to deal with. There are a few bosses but they are a detriment, they are like puzzles that are fun to solve, and there are multiple ways to fight them, but they are not fun. They swarm enemies and pile on multiple attacks at the same time that most times it feels cheap and victory felt like I hit a lucky break and was able to get them stuck in a loop to deal damage. Most bosses are also all dealt with the same way and follow similar attack patterns which means only their designs are distinct. There are plenty of combat, field, costume, and health upgrades to find. Leading to more complex and enjoyable puzzles, using the classic Zelda style formula well, building more and more as you progress the story. Upgrades for puzzles, some which can be used in combat are well placed throughout the game so you can get used to one, get introduced to a new one, and then combine them.

In terms of length this game is about three to four hours long, and I enjoyed it, because the gameplay did not drag. The game also has some side quests, fun collectibles, and plenty of other documents to rip up, and that will lead to a bonus or two, the bonuses do not add a ton more to games length but are worth it in terms of comedy. The side quests do have you utilizing your skills and exploring other rparts of the ap, but the treks for some of them do drag a little bit and can halt the gameplay. This gameplay and writing go hand in hand, setting up a punchline and then delivering it through the gameplay so that when it lands it really lands, aside from not every joke working and the boss fights this game is really fun. I enjoyed my short visit, but I would say this game is more worth it on sale, I bought it on sale for about twelve dollars and I feel like I barely got my moneys worth, but on sale if you want a fun, mostly funny adventure, that plays like a classic Legend of Zelda game, this one is a great recommendation. This is a well done comedy game and may be short but is a fun time mostly from start to finish.  

( Fun gameplay, mostly funny writing, some dated humor, boss fights are uninspired, some side quests drag, short adventure does not overstay its welcome, fun collectibles, mostly witty writing, better when on sale) 


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