Bonus Post: Fall Guys Season 5
I have not played much Fall Guys since season 4 dropped, where I played it for a week or two among other games and then just dropped it. So much so that Season 5 snuck up and me, so why not take a break from this months theme and give this a look.
With a new season means we are getting more minigames and new theme in the rotation which is great to not only add a new theme with new fun rules but give a rest to the games we have had for a while, or mixing all the games so far together for people like me who have not played for a couple of months. Last time there was a futuristic theme alongside new games, squad shows, and new rewards, this time there are also duo shows and a new jungle theme, so let's try and win a crown or two and dive in!
So the new games are all jungle themed, and they are some great additions. Much like the past couple seasons the games are really standing out with new ideas like collecting a set amount of medals that are in bubbles, bouncing around of lily pads, and avoiding rhinos that will send you straight into an elimination. The new games are super fun, I played the mode where it is just the new games as well as the main show. There is now a really good variety of games from across the five seasons, and even when a game from season one pops in, it will usually be the only one with the variety of games available now. Fall Guys has now expanded and gotten enough content and will continue to stay fresh because with each new season and more games, main show becomes tedious at a much slower pace then it used to. The new games are fun and the races have a ton of multiple pathways making forming a strategy fun and frantic to qualify. I really enjoyed all of the new games added.
The ability to get crowns via leveling up as well has been increased making getting those fun outfits more attainable, and the graphics are still fun and colorful accompanied by vibrant high energy music. This season of Fall Guys added some fresh air as well as duo squads in case not all of your friends are available at once. This game is still a ton of fun, and I am so glad to see the new additions, at the time of this post the switch port is not out yet, but I am hoping it comes soon with cross platform play, and I hope this game keeps expanding, it is a ton of fun and keeps getting more fun. I will e playing a bit of this season and watching for any new modes added or fun challenges in the rotation.
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