Ducktales Remastered

 (Image Source:                                                                             System I Played On: WII U

As I transition from licensed games to remakes and remasters for this month I decided to talk about one of my favorites. The best way to find this game easily without using a past gen console is Steam which I do have it on but I was playing the Wii U recently and decided to fire this game up, and it holds up super well. Capcom's amazing Mega Man style game was completely overhauled by the amazing team over at Wayforward and it shows.

The music and presentation are top notch, many of the original cast including Scrooge's original voice actor Alan Young reprise their roles for am epic retelling of this classic game. A ton of fully voiced cutscenes were added and they all are so well animated and performed. Every cutscene feels like a lost episode of the classic show, and the animations in game are remarkable, whether Scrooge or an enemy, there is so much attention and care in this game that it is not just watching a cartoon play out but playing through one. The music is one of a kind, remixes that will not be forgotten any time soon. Each song not only being an excellent adaptation of the classic tracks but amazing new pieces as well. The new pieces fit the new stages or the scenes they play in like a glove, making the sound design in this game perfect. 

The game controls well and has a great variety of difficulties with a ton of unlockable to encourage multiple playthroughs. The game is pretty short depending on the difficulty and can clock in at about three to four hours but it is so fun that I found myself picking the game back up every now again and loving it as much as I did the first. The new stages fit in right alongside the classic stages and each one not only looks great but is a joy to explore. Each stage is full of life and has different ways to set them apart, this is a remake that shows how good the original was and improves it with the new technology available. This is an example of a remake that stands out on its own and shines brightly, this game is a must play for anyone who is a fan of retro platformers. Steam is currently the best way to get this amazing title and I highly recommend it, even at full price the game is so fun and has so much charm that everything outshines the short run time and the sometimes unresponsive controls, mostly when climbing. And the game has so much to unlock that you can either revisit stages or replay the story, or challenge yourself on a different difficulty. This game has a such great animations, music, and super fun gameplay with unforgettable stages and a fun story that it is an adventure worth taking. 

 I am hoping this game gets ported to modern consoles at some point because it stands tall alongside the classic game that it is a remake of. This is a remake that adds to the original while highlighting what made it great, not touching what didn't need to be fixed but touching up only what did. Making this an example where the remake is the definitive way to play the classic title, it is not a half done port but rather a tribute to a great platformer with so much added to make a good game even better. 

 ( Great music, gameplay, animations, cutscenes, great writing,  fun the whole way through, short but super fun, an amazing remaster and game as a whole)


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