Mighty Switch Force Collection

 (Image Source: RapidReviewuk.com)                                                        (System I Played On PS4)

After covering some puzzle games, or games with puzzle elements I wanted to cover one that I find myself going back to again and again. Mighty Switch Force is a series made by Wayforward that combines, platforming, blasting, and puzzle solving into a great experience. And on most modern platforms this game that debuted on the 3DS as well as its sequel, a HD revamp of the first game, a new mode are all bundled together in the Mighty Switch Force collection, four games all in one place, let's dive in.

The Mighty Switch Force series see you in control of Patricia Wagon as you run, jump, blast, and move blocks to save the day. The main focus of these games is using an ability to move blocks from the foreground into the background, as well as active certain blocks lie locked ones or ones to propel you with the same ability. You must navigate stages to either arrest the escaped hooligan sisters or save them in the case of the second game where you are now a putting out fires and your blaster is swapped for a hose. There is not just a variety of puzzles to navigate to find the targets in a set time and clear the stage but also enemies to outsmart either by blaster, hose, or using your ability to push a block and them right into the screen, but be careful you can also do that yourself. You have three hearts, lose them and you are starting the current stage over. The name of the game is collect five people, and make it to the end, do it in a set time and you get a star on your score. 

This collection contains the first and second game, one as a police officer and one as a fire fighter, the HD remaster of the first game, and mighty switch force academy which is a set of one screen mini puzzles zoomed out and was made with multiplayer. I did not spend a ton of academy but I played a fair amount of the other three, the core mechanics of platforming, block moving, puzzle solving, and doing so in a set amount of time to get a star. The game controls and plays great, the puzzles are amazing for short bursts or long sessions. The episodes are short enough that they kept me interested, even to the point of multiple visits and don't over stay their welcome. The game also finds ways to use the environment and enemies to make the gameplay not feel stale

The graphics across the board are great, though I am not a fan of the single screen, zoomed out approach of Mighty Switch Academy, but I spent the least amount of time with that one due to it being centered on multiplayer, only doing a handful of stages. For the other three, I played a ton of stages, each game having an opening cutscene and that is it, followed by end screens when you complete a stage. The backgrounds, enemies, and lead cast are all well animated and the sprite work, or the HD version are incredible. Two of these games are essentially the same, with one being the first, and the other being a remaster of it with more stages. The backgrounds are recycled often, and there is not a ton of enemy variety, but the game does make up for it in the gameplay department. The music and sprite work are incredible, the music is phenomenal and is super high energy, the sound design in this game is near perfect. 

The gameplay and puzzle solving are top notch and the puzzles and obstacles are always changing, thus keeping me engaged. The gameplay can lend to short bursts or longer sessions, both play styles work to suit the mood of the player. The game is very much the same with some twists here and there from start to finish, and the second game is essentially the same as well. Defeating enemies, solving the puzzles and collecting the hooligan sisters while reaching the end as fast as you can. The stages are the perfect length full of bite sized puzzles to learn and master, and the block switch mechanic leads to a great variety of challenges with the multiple styles of blocks to learn how to maneuver with, leading to fun and amazing gameplay. This collection has so much content in it, and I find it on sale often, if you want a fun and addicting puzzle platform with a ton of style and charm this one is a must. 

In terms of content you are looking at a ton of puzzles, as well a multiplayer mode. Four games packed into one, and even though they all revolve around the same theme, and one is an HD version of the first game with added stages, this collection is a great way to try the whole series in one place. It showcases all of the games in one spot with great music, great graphics, and amazing gameplay. The stages are so short it welcomes pick up and play gameplay, while encouraging you to master the stages in the set time. It is fun, arcade style, puzzle platforming that will leave any fan of the genre coming back again and again. If you want a fun puzzle platformer, with a really cool mechanic, great music, and a ton of charm, all wrapped up in great gameplay, this game is a must. 

 ( Great music, amazing gameplay, has a ton of variety of challenges, amazing one of a kind mechanic, gameplay can be repetitive, a ton of content in the collection, controls well, looks great, multiplayer options, great value even at full price)


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