Tiny Toons Adventures Buster's Hidden Treasure

(Image Source: Amazon.Com)

Licensed games are a mixed bag as a whole, sometimes you get a truly great experiences or what seems to be a majority of the time you are left with a terrible game that was thrown together to make a quick buck. It was the same back then as it is now, the classic games era was no stranger to bad games based on licensed properties but just like now there seems to be a few hidden gems worth mentioning. And one of those gems that I only recently discovered was Tiny Toon Adventures Buster's Hidden Treasure for the Sega Genesis. I grew up playing Buster Busts Loose on Super Nintendo, and I remember that game fondly, but this one made by the same developer Konami is an entirely different game. This game I have never played before until now, so let's boot up the SEGA Genesis and see if this treasure is worth keeping or was better left being buried.

In terms of presentation the graphics and music are really good for the time. The sprites are well animated, and the music is fun and bouncy. Animations are limited and are often reused but that is understandable for the time. This game tasks Buster with exploring stages, sliding, wall jumping, dashing, and using a collectible or two to find the exit, some stages with multiple exits. You have hearts and lives, run out of hearts or get hit by a certain trap and you lose a life, lose all of them and you will get a game over, which will give you a password or the option to start the current stage you are on over. In terms of data, the passwords are long being about twelve letters but it tracks data so well that it is a minor complaint. Some of the stages are long but keep at it and you will learn them, there are also bosses which are a piece of cake once you learn them. 

You traverse stages and you can find items that add another heart to your hit box until you get a game over, extra lives, other characters that clear the screen of enemies but are limited, and invincibility power ups. There are multiple exits in some stages as well as bonus stages to discover, some stages feel a tad long with no check points, while other feel the perfect length. The game controls well, and while some stages drag, I found this a pretty comfortable journey with a few difficulty spikes here and there, with boss fights that are a cake walk. With the passwords, starting the stage over can not be the most fun, but it saves your progress well enough that it is not a massive loss of progress, with the passwords you will be able to revisit at your own pace as well as not worry about starting over or continues. 

The game was pretty fun, only dragging for short pieces, the game is not the longest but it is super fun and there are secret stages and bonus stages to find so I think I will be coming back to this one. The gameplay is super fun, the game controls great, and with passwords not too much progress is lost. The stages have a great variety and look great, and the music is pretty catchy.  There is enough stage variety that I found myself enjoying the game, there are plenty of environments and the game is super fun to play. Any retro collectors who loved the show and need a fun platformer for their collection, this one is worth checking out. It is short, sweet, and fun. The environments are fun, the gameplay is fun, and even if a stage or two drags, you won't find yourself losing too much progress which is great. 

 (Some stages drag, long passwords, no checkpoints, fun gameplay, passwords help not lose a ton of progress, great music and environment, great sprite work, fun gameplay, short but super fun) 


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