Pokémon Pinball The Comeback We Need (Or At Least I Really Want)

There are a good number of pinball games that I plan on covering in the future but this one I will talk about now, and probably later, and with a direct for this series coming in a couple days at the time of this post, now is as good as time as any to talk about Pokémon Pinball. 

This series is one of a kind, and is so fun, only receiving two entries so far it is pinball at its absolute best. With the release of New Pokémon Snap, it made me optimistic for a return of classic franchise like Pokémon Stadium or the one I will discuss today. It combined what we loved about each of these types of games into a perfect blend of nonstop fun.  If you have not played this entails not just a game of pinball with a Pokémon theme but also catching the, playing mini games, and building a Pokédex as you traverse the different boards. Each map having its own set of Pokémon to catch and collect, different themes, and different surprises. The minigames also changed making it a great incentive to play both boards and try everything. The music was lively, each board had a ton of charm and personality and the games were simply unforgettable, brimming with life and charm.

I highly recommend picking up one of the original titles on either Gameboy Color or Gameboy Advance, or even the Wii U Virtual Console. But in all honesty a switch remaster or a brand new game would be ideal. This series is perfect for handheld play and uses each system it is made for well, and technology has advanced so much since the last game. HD Rumble, better graphics, more games in the series to add more boards and variety, this game is just asking to be made. There could be tie ins with current Pokémon games or even a board for each mainline generation, and room for DLC. There could be a Sun and Moon board followed by a Pokémon Snap board that involves using the pinball to take pictures.

Modern pinball games have shown not only that there is an audience but even new ways to play pinball. Yoku's Island Express showed there can be a pinball based adventure game with a story. What if there was a tournament or even battles that  revolved around using Pokémon you caught. There could be a unique battle system around the game play, and there could be a story and free play mode with unlockable goodies. The sky is the limit and I think this series is one that deserves another try. 


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