4 Sony Franchises I Want To See Come Back

The other day I was thinking, as one does , and I thought about how Sony used to have a ton of mascots to rival Nintendo. From colorful cartoon platformers, to puzzle games with amazing music and a ton of charm. Now there are still some series going strong such as God Of War and Rachet And Clank but many series have fallen to the wayside. Horizon seems to be a new staple for the company but who remembers Jak And Daxter who have been waiting in the wings for a new title for quite some time, or Infamous? Today in no particular order I am going to talk about four Sony mascots I want to see back in action again.


I have only played Katamari Damacy but it was a fantastic time with a great soundtrack as well. This series has laid dormant for some time and I think it is about time we got a comeback. The haptic feedback of the PS5 controller would work perfectly with this series.

Parappa The Rappa:

This rhythm game is so fantastic and so memorable. Full of charm and catchy music, and with so many great options, this series is due to take the stage again. With both games being remastered now is the perfect time for a third. 

Ape Escape: 

If I could remaster any trilogy I would be bring this one back. The controls are one of a kind, the game has a fantastic personality. As someone who has only played one entry, I would love the play the others, and a remastered trilogy followed by a new entry would be perfect. 

Sly Cooper

Speaking of a series I want to see on modern consoles, this one takes the cake by far. The thieving racoon has been dormant for way too long, with a great soundtrack, gameplay, and atmosphere the best way to generate hype for a return is to once again put the past titles on current consoles. Making a collection for so many great games in one package, quite a steal.

Those are the Sony franchises I would love to see return, which ones would you like to see, let me know in the comments!


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