Spider-Man Miles Morales More Than Just An Add On
Image Source: PlayStation Dot Com
With a new Spider-Man movie fast approaching with "Spider-Man: No Way Home" I thought I would talk about one of my favorite games from last year as well as one of my favorite superhero games. This game is nothing short of AMAZING and without diving too deep because I think you should play it; I am ready to swing in and tell you why. The game that proceeded it was one of my favorite games and the reason I own a PS4, when this game was announced for PS4 alongside its launch on PS5 I was ecstatic and could not wait to play.
This game takes place after Insomniac Studios hit Marvel's Spider-Man, so if you have not played either even though there is a movie to catch new players or people who may need a slight refresher up to speed, I recommend just playing the first game, it is incredible. This game set during the holiday season sees Miles Morales taking control as New York's only Spider-Man. You will take on the main story, side missions, and more just like in the first game. The game controls great and there is plenty to do, not as much as the first game but it does not overstay it's welcome like the game the proceeded it.
The writing in this game is fantastic, from the story to the character interactions, this game feels like playing through a big budget superhero film. The setting is not only great and make it stand apart but makes it a great holiday game and one I find myself now making a holiday tradition. The music in this game is nothing short of fantastic, from the songs written for this game to the music played in the world and story, this game has fantastic sound. The game has a couple songs written for them that I am still listening to and are fantastic additions. The presentation on PS4 looks great, not as good as PS5 but works and may not have some of the fancy features but is playable none the less. The game does not have a long running time but has plenty of side content to extend that time and multiple difficulties as well as some post game features.
The gameplay is fantastic, giving Miles not as many power ups as Peter Parker, but rather giving him abilities as the story progresses that can be upgraded and are great additions. The abilities given keep the gameplay interesting though the run time and make combat fun and excited. The game gives you new twists on mechanics from the previous game with their own twists that make this game their own. Much like the story, characters, and music, even the mechanics stand out to make Miles his own kind of hero.
This game is a ton of fun with enough content to warrant the asking price, it may not be brimming like some games, but it doesn't overstay it's welcome. This game is a fantastic intro for a character who deserves it. excellent writing with relatable characters, great gameplay, and fantastic presentation makes this game this a must for either PS4 or PS5. This game may have a shorter length and no DLC like the one before it, but it introduces so much new and is replayable with some post game content and multiple difficulties that I find myself coming back to this game just as much as the first one. I am being as deceptive and as vague as I can be because I hope you play this game, and hopefully after the upcoming Spider-Man 2, Miles can get a larger adventure next time. This was my game of the year last year and coming back to it for this review I still stand by that, a great game for those who want to learn that sometimes to be greater you have to be yourself.
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