Wii Sports Memories

 With Switch Sports Club coming this week, I thought before looking at that game, to look back at the series it came from. With some sports carried over, and even the Mii characters that debuted in those titles returning, I might as well go down memory lane. The pack in title, and the follow up which came packed in with an accessory. Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, two titles that were fun for everyone who picked the controller up. So, time for some fun memories of two games that were fun to play with friends, and just as fun to relax with on a Sunday afternoon, don't forget your wrist straps and check your surroundings as I look back at Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. 

Even though when I first got my Wii, I was also given Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and my first ever Wii Points card to get a couple downloads, Wii Sports was still a game I poured many hours into.  Baseball and boxing were my absolute favorites, but I played all the sports packed in. I was excited at the very idea of a system I just owned coming with a game, I had gotten the GameStop exclusive e GameCube that was packed in the Zelda NES and N64 games, so this was an instant win for me. All the sports were fun to play, and playing as myself, making a Mii and then using said Mii in a game was so much fun to do.

Flash forward a couple years and I received Wii Sports Resort as a Christmas gift, with a cool add on to use for the game. There were so many different things to do and I wanted to do all of them. There were challenges to do, and I wanted to complete the game, my favorites being the duel mode, basketball, and the mode where you just flew around the island in plane. Even returning sports had added touches like bowling or tennis being turned into table tennis still made them fun and relaxing times whether in single or multiplayer. 

The music and aesthetic of both of these games were filled to the brim with charm and were so welcoming. The menus were super clean and easy to navigate, each offering so much to do. Even when I had no one to play with, I would pop in this game and have a blast with it, raising my rank, clearing challenges or trying something new. Wii Sports even with its smaller size was still a blast and an amazing pack in title, being fun in short bursts or with friends. It showed what the Wii could do in such a fun and simple way that makes it so fun to talk about today. Making Miis and using them or facing off against them when I needed a break from a bigger game. 

Wii Sports Resort coming with so much to do, from frisbee to kayaking and each one of them doing what the first one did, showed off new hardware in a fantastic way. I remember attaching my Wii Motion plus that came with the game to my controller and thinking this was the future of gaming. When not playing with friends which was a great time, it was an absolute blast to master these games and get the in-game achievements. Both were incredible relaxing times, and fun to just pop in and play for a while. With Resort there were so many additions that were so fun to play as well as seeing familiar sports with a fresh coat of paint. Table tennis was just as if not more intense then duel mode where you would knock opponents into the water with fake swords, trust me. And speaking of the duel mode, the single player only version of that where you had to take on waves of enemies in three hit points or less was an amazing, on-rails experience that I still feel sore in my arms to this day over.

These two titles with their great presentation and music, as well as incredibly fun and easy to pick up gameplay, are childhood favorites of mine. They introduced me and countless others to a new console and new control style that were a fun time to pick up for short and long play sessions alike. This introduced many to gaming in such a fun, simple, and memorable way that I am so excited to see the series back and can hope that Switch Sports Club is another great entry. So next time I will diving into that title and seeing how it fares, until then have a wonderful day.

I know there was a Wii Sports on the Wii U but it was more of a glorified remake, and I never owned it and a physical version is pretty costly and...


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