Game OR Pass: Floppy Knights

 Welcome to another edition of game or pass where I play games on game pass or a set amount of time or to completion and decide if it is worth your time or if it is on a different console, or removed from Gamepass, worth your money. The title I am looking at today was worked on by some of the crew who worked on last week's post Dicey Dungeons. But instead of dice in a roguelike world this time it is card games with a tactical spin. Time to see if this game is worth your time or was mine.

This game has you using a device known as a floppy knight, used from a floppy disc, when placed on the field this is your title character and thing done before a single move is made. The first character you play loses all HP and is defeated then it is time to start the battle over again and hit the drawing board. You can summon other characters later on who can lose all HP but the title character has to stay in to keep the game going. Use cards to move, attack, call on other characters and so on, each card has a point value and each turn only gives you so much. So you have to plan your moves and attacks wisely because if you use all your points before moving to a safe spot then it could be a quick defeat. 

The enimies can move and attack as they wish as if it were a normal card game. And that is my inherent flaw with this game. You can only do with what your dealt so if you draw nothing but move cards you are not attacking, or even attacks for characters that can't use them because most of the characters have specific attack cards as well. This often leads to frustration over fun in more ways than one. The difficulty also spikes way too often, some early missions make it far more of a challenge then it needs to be with enemy spawning mechanics and items with a fair amount of HP.  This game has a story mode, and objectives there may be more but I only got so far.

In battle you can earn coins to get more cards and add them to your deck and so on. You can also unlock more floppy knights after a battle with different special cards, sometimes cards that can be used by all the characters available. When you lose a knight in battle you can draw a card again and resummon them, but it will cost points and add a card that is essentially worthless to your hand.  The name of the game is using your limited resources wisely and always keeping every aspect of the field in mind.

There is a story to go with this game is fun and well written with some great jokes, and the music is fantastic. The presentation in this game and the music is amazing, it has so much charm. The gameplay is only fun sometimes as mentioned with the problems above and because of some of those hurdles I did not make it as far as I could. But that is where I believe Dicey Dungeons did it better, the enimies had to play by the same rules as the player and therefore made it equal, you could have a terrible hand in that game while they had a great one or vice versa. The presentation and writing starring a girl and her sentient robot arm in search of work and money was funny, but the game really needed some balancing. The enimies doing whatever they want while you have to play by the card game rules makes it really difficult because it feels like an incomplete card game or incomplete tactics game rather than a mix of the two. I plan on trying this game more and seeing if it gets better as it goes along but for now my opinions on this title are very mixed. One part of me wants to love this game and the other is not impressed at all. For now I am going to try again but if the difficulty keeps going up and down while juggling the mechanics that are very one sided I might not continue much longer, it seems in too many instances that deck is stacked against the player. 


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