Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection (Nintendo Switch)
Retro collections are nothing short of awesome, bringing games to modern consoles for people to relive their favorites or maybe try a series they missed. I have enjoyed my fair share of collections and even covered a good amount on this blog, and I am sure I will cover more in the future. This collection has gotten me more hyped for a collection then I have been in a long time, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection. 13 games, kind of sort of in a forty-dollar package. I bought this just to have the SNES version of Turtles In Time on modern consoles but what about the rest of this collection? Let's look at this slice by slice and see if this collection holds enough to merit what it is asking for.
This collection is amazing, and I am so glad I picked it up. This is another great example of a retro collection done well. There are a couple questionable setbacks but there is so much good going for it that I am glad I own this. The games play and run very well, and there are plenty of great features such as saving and rewind feature. Also, the price of this collection is way less than some of the individual prices of some of these games. Having SNES Turtles In Time on modern consoles and in my case, portable makes this worth it alone.
The presentation is mostly great, even though the theme song is only the main chorus and cuts off super quickly but aside from that, this collection has so much charm. There are so many extras that are super fun and even strategy guide pages made for each game that adds so much life to the package. From the menus and pause screens this game is made perfectly for fans of TMNT.
One of the few setbacks is that only some of the games have online, which I have not tried but some of the exclusions are slightly baffling. Also, some of the games in this collection are just repeats but on different consoles and I feel like that adds to the collection and not at the same time. By that I mean some of the games are nice to try but there are definitely more heavy hitters such as the arcade games and so on compared to Tournament Fighters having three versions in this collection.
This is a great collection that has only a couple questionable aspects to it, but there is so much effort put into this package that they are worth overlooking. There are some fantastic games that run well on this collection and make the price tag worth it when this collection is worth less than a single cartridge in some cases for these games. I have not played multiplayer yet but definitely plan on it and have been playing a fair number of games in this package and glad this is available for fans and newcomers alike. There are some games in here I will be revisiting more than others but the number of options is nice, the rewind feature making some of the more challenging moments a tad more doable. This collection kicks shell and I will be spending plenty of time with it.
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