Unpacking: Cozy Enviormental Story Telling


(Image Source: Nintendo.Com)

Many of us move at least once in our lives, some of us, move more. Deciding what to bring, what to sell, what to leave behind, and what to store away, can lead to hours of thought as one moves from one residence to another. Whether for school, work, or perhaps after finding love. In those transitional periods a narrative can be woven in the details that shows a story of a life unfolding with every box left empty. 

When I started this game I was greeted with a room, and some boxes. Taking the contents out and putting them in fun places, sorting each object, the game welcomed me into a warm and cozy world, but underneath of what seemed to be a simple puzzle game, was a way deeper story. This game may have no cutscenes but there was a clear narrative, one that surprised me, one that is so good, I will not spoil, one that you have to go looking for. Instead today I will diving into how this game tells it's story, and how without words it crafted a narrative that left me emotionally satisfied by the time the credits rolled.

The game has multiple stages that are to be treated as chapters and easy as it is to just place the items on the shelf or in the closet and move on, if you zoom in, a story unfolds. You will see different objects over time change, not just from early life to later on but rather items that reflect the personality of the character you are playing as. Their interests, hobbies, and even items that hint at the leads career are scattered throughout this game in a loving manner. Instead of being in your face or having a cutscene where the character is emotionally, the game nudges you to the items place and sometimes a specific placement of items to tell the story. 

The music also goes hand in hand with this non verbal narrative to show the feelings of the moment in a wide array of emotions,  from the highs to the lows of the story, this game uses everything but words to tell a story. Each piece setting the stage for the environment that you found yourself in. The song names do give a bit of the feeling away on the mood that is trying to be set, but I did not find this out until after I finished the game. 

 At first I thought I was just going to play a game that was fun and cozy, and this game is still both of those things, but there is still so much more. The way the objects change over time to show not only the passage of time itself but also where this character is mentally. Little clues to show their dreams, their struggles and their life as a whole, through every stage. As the years pass and the rooms change, even though the gameplay is the same from start to finish, which is to unpack. Zooming in on objects, listening to the music, and where the game lightly nudges you to place certain things at certain times really drives things home. There is a placement of a very important object about halfway through the game in a spot where many would not place it, but the chapter doesn't end till you place it there. When you set it there and see what that placement symbolizes as well as what it means for the character we know, is it shows the world this character is in without showing their face once. Without one cutscene I know their hopes and dreams, and how they like to spend a weekend. I see their identity change in many ways and the struggles the face, that when the credits rolled, I was satisfied.

If you want cozy and fun, you will get it with this game. But look a tad deeper, and you will find a story with highs and lows, that was never asked of such a sweet and simple premise. Delivered in a charming manner and like finding the right place to put everything, the narrative is a puzzle with many pieces, one that when put together, make a very beautiful picture. 


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