Unpacking: Cozy Enviormental Story Telling
(Image Source: Nintendo.Com) Many of us move at least once in our lives, some of us, move more. Deciding what to bring, what to sell, what to leave behind, and what to store away, can lead to hours of thought as one moves from one residence to another. Whether for school, work, or perhaps after finding love. In those transitional periods a narrative can be woven in the details that shows a story of a life unfolding with every box left empty. When I started this game I was greeted with a room, and some boxes. Taking the contents out and putting them in fun places, sorting each object, the game welcomed me into a warm and cozy world, but underneath of what seemed to be a simple puzzle game, was a way deeper story. This game may have no cutscenes but there was a clear narrative, one that surprised me, one that is so good, I will not spoil, one that you have to go looking for. Instead today I will diving into how this game tells it's story, and how without words it crafted a na...