Nintendo Switch Online Expansion (N64)
This is going to be part one of covering multiple aspects of the new Nintendo Switch Online expansion pass, since there are multiple pieces, the Nintendo 64, Genesis, and upcoming Animal Crossing DLC. Instead of cramming each piece into one long posts, I decided to put them all into pieces and cover them, plus I have an interesting idea for the Genesis aspect that I will share later. For now I am going to dive into the Nintendo 64 aspect of this expansion and ask. Is it worth 30 dollars more? Let's fire up some old classics and let's find out. The single player runs fine but the button mapping does not have enough options. Some games often feel cramped, while others feel just fine. But for the price point other options seem like an easy addition that would not take too long, so more people can enjoy the game. Next up even in single player some of the games do not perform at their best, audio issues, input lag, and sometimes even graphical hiccups. This would be all fine and go...